Peter Chand (United Kingdom)
British Indian storyteller Peter Chand is one of Europe’s most popular and acclaimed performers and workshop leaders. He has a huge repertoire of tales from the sub-continent, many of which he has collected and translated from Punjabi into English, and performed for audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
Peter has appeared in many schools, festivals, libraries, and museums around the U.K. and beyond, and has told stories on BBC Radio Four, local radio, and has even shared a story live on Norwegian television! Peter is just at home sharing stories for audiences in small intimate venues, as he is getting a thousand people to join in with a traditional tale in a huge festival marquee. He has a style that is accessible and engaging, and has an obvious connection and huge affection for the stories from his culture.
He has also led storytelling workshops with all age groups, helping others gain the confidence to tell their own stories. Some of the diverse groups he has worked with include; Brushstrokes (Asylum Seekers and Refugee Group) Derby Association for the Blind, The Nehru Centre London, Foston Hall Women’s Prison, British Muslim Association Halifax, The British Library, The Ashmolean Museum Oxford, and various multicultural and ethnically diverse community groups. He firmly believes that everyone has a story to tell and has been involved in dozens of story collecting projects in the community, where he has helped many people to remember, create, and articulate their own stories.
An experienced, energetic, and versatile storyteller, Peter has told his stories in Belgium, Ireland, Norway, Holland, France, Greece, Canada, Denmark, and India, and is constantly in demand for his witty and thoughtful stories. He is also one of the organisers of Festival at the Edge, an international storytelling festival, which is the oldest of its kind in Britain.