Message from the
Artistic Director
Kamini Ramachandran
Welcome to the 8th edition of the annual Singapore International Storytelling Festival! The longest running storytelling festival in Asia brings you Weaving Words, Connecting Cultures for 2013!
From times long ago and places far, far away mankind has connected with others through stories. Many of the stories we cherish are a common heritage that is shared by so many others in different lands who speak different languages. Our stories have stood the test of time and travelled with us around the world. Join us in celebrating our rich heritage of cultural stories that inspire, educate, entertain and transform!
Once again we have a stellar line-up of renowned storytellers from around the globe to draw you into the spellbinding world of legends, folk tales, fairy tales and stories. The festival programming caters for those taking their first forays into storytelling as well as those who are experienced storytellers with introductory workshops and advanced level masterclasses. The festival weekend offers parent and child storytelling workshops as well as a matinee performance featuring all our invited storytellers!
Come and listen to storytellers who will whisk you away to Africa and the Caribbean, transport you to France and Australia, introduce you to the Native American Indian and Inuit traditions, and share traditional Asian stories and shadow puppetry from the Philippines!
A story! A story! Let it come, let it go!
“The story is one of the basic tools invented by the human mind, for the purpose of gaining understanding. There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.”
— Ursula K. LeGuin